I have a fotoShout account, now what do I do?

Once a fotoShout account has been set up for your company, you will be assigned a username and password.

1) Go to the fotoShout home page fotoshout home page or go directly to the fotoShout login page at fotoShout Login.

★In the upper right hand corner of the fotoShout homepage click on customer login. A login in dialog box will open, enter your username and password to enter the fotoShout Portal

2) Once the fotoShout Portal page fully opens click on the “?” question mark. The question mark is located next to the download link in the upper right hand corner of the page. The “?” gives you access to the full user guides.

3) After you click on the question mark, the first user guide is “What Do I Do First?” User Guide #01 Open this guide and follow the instructions. Please read the guide before you download and install the fotoShout software.

4) Some antivirus software causes issues when installing the fotoShout data base. To avoid conflict disable your antivirus while installing fotoShout. Once fotoShout has been installed re-enable your antivirus

★ To quickly install fotoShout turn off your firewall, and your anti-virus software, then install fotoShout.
★ After installing fotoShout re-enable your antivirus.
★ Setup an event on the fotoShout portal. Confirm your iPad connected is connected to the computer running fotoShout, and all is working correctly, then re-enable the firewall.
★ Now create an exception in the firewall software, allowing fotoShout to connect to your computer. Otherwise your firewall may block the connection between the iPad’s running fotoShout and your event computer.


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