How/Where do I Publish the Event Images?

Select all the channels you want the guests event images to automatically publish too. Such as Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, Clients WordPress Web Site, PhotoBucket, LinkedIn, Slideshare, Blogger, SMTP, Delicious, fotoShout private site, etc. A bridge can also be built to connect to a clients specific web site.

Management, studio owners, control what sites/channels users (staff) may publish too, by creating Users and User Groups. You can delete or deactivate a user and/or channel anytime on the web portal. User Groups allow mangers/owners to add and delete users as needed to maintain a secure site.

Full step by step detailed instructions will be found in User Guide #04 – “How to Setup Social Media Channels” on the fotoShout portal.

Click on this link for a short cut to the User Guide or go to and login. Login to fotoShout, click on the “?” to open the User Guides selection dialog box. Click on the User Guide, “How to Setup Social Media Channels”.

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