A sponsorship activation MUST be a multipurpose, multi strand investment to benefit companies. Activations MUST engage with customers, creating exposure & brand enhancement, with data collection, to create metrics, proving the events failure, or success.
Event Producers, Event Planners, Marketing Directors who brand, and sponsor events; associations, Charities, businesses, wanting sponsorship dollars, must engage the event attendee, provide ROI to the Sponsors.
How – Be a good activator, demonstrate what your events sponsorship activations can do to enhance the sponsor’s brand, and business.
Provide the data needed to prove the sponsors objectives. This allows the sponsor to receive budget approval.
Successful activations focus on proven returns, engagement, data collection, and metrics. Activations, can make the brand part of the conversation?
At the conclusion of the event, data/metrics/reports must be provided to prove the event goals, and set objectives were met.
Choose to have fewer event activations done well, than many done poorly.

fotoShout was CREATED to strike at these objectives, with post event activations!
At no additional cost to the event budget.
Select your event type
Product Marketing
- Brand Enhancement
- Brand Exposure
Personal Appearances
- Step & Repeat
- Meet & Greet
Revenue Generating
- Trade Shows/Conferences
- Associations/Charities/Fund Raisers
Product Marketing
Brand EnhancementProduct Marketing
fotoShout creates a professional photo station at the event. Images are themed to the event. (green screen, step n repeat, live background, doesn’t matter.)
Guests photographed, image is immediately branded, transferred to a tablet.
Permission based (guest data collected with digital signature for posting, and future contact.)
Guest are presented a branded physical print.
Guest receive an e-mail from the sponsor; contains a unique message, a call to action, a link to their digital image. E-mails basically have a 100% open rate. (make the message, and the call to action count.)
Images can be hosted on the sponsors web, or social media sites. Guests can download, copy, tag, share, and like their images with friends, family, and associates.
Guests are driven to specific sites. (allows for additional data collection/metrics/reports.)
fotoShout increases social interactions on average 5,000% (compared to the number of images posted). Higher if celebrities, or unique locations are involved.
Post event, fotoShout clients receives guests contact data as an excel file.
Images can be censored before publishing. (remotely, or on location)
Option of e-mail delivery only, with data collection, and permission to contact.
fotoShout engages customers, enhances the brand, collects data, magnifies reach, and engagement beyond the scope of the event.
Personal Appearances
Personal Appearances
I.e. A typical personal appearance event
Talent – paid
Location – paid
Transportation – paid
Staff – hired & paid
300 guests – arrived & engaged
Cost to increase brand engagement to 15,000, or 30,000, or more people. Basically nil.
- Most personal appearances already employ a photographer. fotoShout replaces current photographer.
- All fotoShout benefits are received, increased social interactions, data collection, onsite printing, theme/overlay design, driving guests to specific web and/or social sites metrics, etc.
Additional benefits of using fotoShout –
- Guests do not need to use their own cameras as they receive a digital image.
- All images are branded.
- A fast-moving step n repeat line.
- Additional guests can be accommodated in the same allotted time frame.
fotoShout Delivers Untapped Revenue Streams
fotoShout is setup in areas such as –
- Spectator experience areas
- Entrances
- VIP areas
- Any/all public areas
fotoShout creates our normal high-end guest experience. Images themed to the event, guest data captured with permission, branded photographs delivered on site to guests.
Guests receive an email with the link to their image. The email can contain html code, allowing for image displays, advertisement, promotional calls to action, e.g. music albums, ticket sale, music tours, sporting events, merchandise sales, etc.
The fotoShout e-mail basically has a 100% open rate. Every guest wants their image! It’s an opportunity to reach event attendees a second time.
fotoShout helps venues direct event attendees to specific online destinations where branded images of the attendees have been placed for public access. These online destinations can be a landing page, website, or social media channel that has specific promotional information. Promotions can feature upcoming concerts, VIP &, bottle service specials, merchandise. Site can be co-branded to share costs, or generate revenue.
Promoters are limited with outdated interruption marketing techniques. The fotoShout Experience takes a permission based marketing approach to reach audiences with personalized, and expected content (imagery), growing future sales, and nurture relationships. Read More…….
Revenue Generating
Sponsorship Oportunities
fotoShout was designed to create new sponsorship opportunities, and generate revenue. fotoShout does not draw down on the event budget, fotoShout increases income for associations, charities, trade-shows, and sporting events.
e.g. At an annual conference we completed a themed event. The sponsorship opportunity generated a $5,000 fee for the association, we received $2,400. The association generated $2,600. in positive revenue. For conference/trade-show producers in several states, a $5,000 to $10,000 fee is charged to engage the sponsorship opportunity. Our fee might range between $2,000 and $5,000. Thereby generating the event producer, a positive income of $3,000. to $6,000.
Does fotoShout place an extra financial burden on the current sponsors? NO!
- fotoShout opportunities attract new/additional sponsors.
- Sponsor spend thousands reaching attendees visually at the event, and prior to the event. fotoShout services are an addon opportunity, allowing sponsors to have an additional touch point during the event, and numerous times post event (with signed permission), at pennies per interaction.
- A company must justify the sponsorship/activations investments, demonstrate how the events benefited the company, while maintaining privacy standards, and keeping regulators happy. fotoShout drives guests to specific sites, uses permission based data collection, allowing for reports, and metrics to assist marketing directors in justifying their investment.
Doug Carraway – President
e-mail –
Paul Pabian – Sales
e-mail –
1592 N. Batavia St. – Bldg. 1
Orange, CA. 92867
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